Black Millennial Health Coach Creates Global Wellness Ecosystem – Black Enterprise
Health and Wellness Men

Black Millennial Health Coach Creates Global Wellness Ecosystem

Style Bell
(Image: Courtesy via The Couture Agency)

The health and wellness movement is growing in leaps and bounds in both the social and physical spaces.

A new study by global communications firm Ketchum shows that the definition of wellness is equally emotional as it is physical and that today’s wellness influencer is most commonly young, male, and ranks mindfulness and positive relationships among his top goals for well-being. Style Bell, the L.A.-based wellness coach and serial philanthropist is making waves with this new approach and bridging the gap between emotional and physical wellness for people of all backgrounds.

Bell is taking the industry by storm with his multifaceted approach to transforming men’s and women’s mindsets from the inside out. Bell has created an ecosystem of giving by hosting free online and in-person workouts from his Baldwin Hills estate. His online platform boasts a record number of attendees ranging from the Americas to Italy and Africa. His in-person workouts are held weekly at his Baldwin Hills estate, and are appropriately titled “Win it Wednesday.” Participants are encouraged to bring items for the homeless, which Bell personally hands out on skid row weekly.

“Loving people is who I am at my core,” states Bell. “Because of this, I have dedicated some of the most sacred parts of my life (like my home) to create a safe space for my humanitarian efforts of healing and community.”

Bell’s efforts have transformed the lives of thousands around the globe. The loss of his mother due to alcohol abuse at the tender age of nine, followed by physical and emotional abuse at the hands of the foster care system is what fueled Bell’s lifelong mission to give back.
