Black History Month: Black Enterprise Employees Trace Their Roots – Black Enterprise
Arts and Culture Lifestyle

Black History Month: Black Enterprise Employees Trace Their Roots

DNA mapping w/ African Ancestry

This Black History Month, Black Enterprise thought of different ways to get involved in the month’s theme. We came up with the idea to map some of our own DNA to discover more about our African heritage–and chronicle the process. With the help and guidance of African Ancestry, a black-owned DNA mapping company we profiled for the first time in 2003, four of our employees contributed a DNA sample and began their African ancestry journey.

[RELATED: Tracing Your Ancestry]

Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at our four employees taking the first step to discovering their African heritage: Social Media Coordinator Kristin Graves, daughter of Black Enterprise President and CEO Butch Graves; Advertising Production Manager Juan Diaz, Social Media Manager Sirita Wright, and Associate Art Director Todd A. Chapman.

Be sure to check back later this month when we reveal their African ancestry!
