What Does Black Excellence Look Like? – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

What Does Black Excellence Look Like?

Jotaka Eaddy
Image: Michael Tembu Ndah/Jotaka Eaddy


“I’m so proud to be here; to come all the way from New York City, be an activist, be a person that is often not invited to these spaces, and be invited into this room,” said Mallory. “Incredible people have called us here this evening to have a conversation. You’ve already heard the message; you already know what is needed; you already know what is being called upon all of you in this moment.”



Ellis-Lamkins could not believe her eyes, when it came to the event’s turnout. “First, I have to say, as long as I’ve been in tech, I didn’t know there were black people. I almost want to be happy to look at all your faces, and run through the crowd. That’s the most exciting thing that happened today–seeing all these people of color.”



Overall, the Black Professional Network, hosted a very successful event that was led by many powerful conversations. Hopefully, these profound dialogues have continued on beyond the concrete floors of the building.

If you reside in the Bay Area and are interested in learning more about the Black Professional Network or getting involved, watch the clip below and click here.


Video Credit: Vatora Godwin – Vizzle Productions




Sequoia BlodgettSequoia Blodgett is the Technology Editor for Black Enterprise, Silicon Valley. She is also the founder of 7AM, a lifestyle, media platform, focused on personal development, guided by informed, pop culture.
