Black Enterprise’s Most Anticipated Movies Of 2015 – Page 17 – Black Enterprise
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Black Enterprise’s Most Anticipated Movies Of 2015

(Image: File)

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Release: December 18, 2015

The inner nerd in us all will be rejoicing when John Williams’ revamped Star Wars theme blares out of those THX speakers. Sure, people might have had issues with the prequels, but this new trilogy is in the hands of J.J. Abrams. For those who aren’t familiar, he is the gent who revamped Star Trek for a new generation. Abrams, having grown up with the original Star Wars films, plans on succeeding where George Lucas failed. Add to the mix that John Boyega (Attack The Block) and Lupita Nyong’o have confirmed roles in the sci-fi action-adventure flick, and this is one film that your great-grandchildren will be enjoying. Trust us!
