BLACK ENTERPRISE’s Disruptor Panelists Dropped Gems On Attendees, Here Are Some Key Takeaways – Black Enterprise

BLACK ENTERPRISE’s Disruptor Panelists Dropped Gems On Attendees, Here Are Some Key Takeaways

Jesseca Dupart, Pinky Cole, disruptor summit, black enterprise

BLACK ENTERPRISE hosted the 2023 Disruptor Summit in Atlanta. The three-day event . This year, BE had the honor to interview leading business giants, including Slutty Vegan’s Pinky Cole, Kaleidoscope Hair’s CEO Jesseca Dupart and more. With each session, participating entrepreneurs listened as these business leaders shared gems on how to build a million-dollar business, improve one’s social media presence and most importantly, how to disrupt.

Here are some words of wisdom from this year’s panelists.

Pinky Cole

“I learned that everybody has the ability to have that potential. You just got to surround yourself with the right people. You got to be in a household that’s going to foster you and encourage you and give you the knowledge and information you got to be around dreamers because it ain’t enough to be around people that just want to sit around all day and watch you dream. Okay, you got to be around people that want to grow and build with you. We all got the gift. Being a disruptor is a gift. That’s our calling, that’s our purpose.”

Jesseca Dupont 

“You have a better chance at huge success when you do the thing that you really are scared to do versus the thing that looks comfortable because everybody else has done it. I’d rather go on an unexplored lane than go on a lane that everybody’s been traveling on.” 

Jomaree Pinkard

“Entrepreneurship disruptions are not necessarily stagnant. It’s actually a journey. It’s a mindset. There’s ebbs and flows, there’s peaks and valleys, and more importantly, there’s uncertainty around every corner, and that you have to really get really comfortable in your skin with those unknowns,”


Ashley Rudder

“We talk about different platforms and different things all the time but the real space that you’re wanting to occupy and own is between someone’s ears. How do you do something that is going to resonate and have true authenticity not only for you but people can see themselves? It’s not only about our own voice but how do we create a space where people can relate, people can see themselves within you. And then that’s when you really have something magical.”


BLACK ENTERPRISE’s Disruptor Summit has not only provided networking opportunities and resources but also, valuable gems. To listen to the full playlist of panels and sessions, visit us here

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