Black Enterprise Golf and Tennis Challenge, Day 2: Attendees Learn Basics at Golf Academy – Black Enterprise
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Black Enterprise Golf and Tennis Challenge, Day 2: Attendees Learn Basics at Golf Academy

The Golf Academy, Black Enterprise Golf and Tennis Challenge

The Golf Academy, Black Enterprise Golf and Tennis ChallengeThings are really in full swing down here at the Black Enterprise Golf and Tennis Challenge taking place in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Some of the registered people came down here to either shore up their golf skills or brush on up what they know and there are others who are participating in the sport for the first time. This is the purpose of the Golf Academy, to give the necessary tips and proper procedures to help one become a better golfer.

The hands-on instruction is being done by PGA professional Rodney Green, who has been lending his skills and expertise to The Black Enterprise Golf and Tennis challenge for more than a decade now. The class got off to a very early start as Green introduced himself and the “curriculum” along with his highly-skilled team of other PGA golf professionals on hand (including his uncle, Al Green, no, not the singer, who was one of the first black PGA members in the Mid-Atlantic region) to assist the golfers with things like their swing, etiquette and any rule needed to know to tackle the sport.

RELATED LINK: Golf Professional Rodney Green Shares Passion for Game and the Business of It All

Before the golfers took to the green, Scott D. Brown, director of marketing for Georgia-Pacific, gave some encouraging words to the golfers as well as stating the new partnership with Black Enterprise. But, before the golfers got a chance to learn from one of the best golf professionals, Green explained the culture of golf as it relates to business, especially in terms of how the boardroom has been moved to the golf course. It’s no rumor or myth that business deals take place on the green, so it’s definitely a great way to not only network but to close a business deal.
