Black Blogger Month: The Field Negro, Nothing But the Truth – Page 2 – Black Enterprise
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Black Blogger Month: The Field Negro, Nothing But the Truth

Wayne Bennett, founder of The Field Negro (Image: Shareif Ziyadat )

It’s important for the Black blogosphere to use its voice to speak out on topics like Trayvon Martin because…

The mainstream media will not do it for us. They won’t focus on our issues because they don’t think that their audience cares about our issues and so it’s not profitable for them. We have the luxury of not having to worry about our bottom line and profit margins as much, and so we can put stories out there that others ignore. We don’t need traditional media platforms to reach people anymore, which is a beautiful thing.

The average American isn’t as active in politics as they should be because there are…

Too much distractions, and they are too comfortable. If their next meal depended on which political party is in power, like my home country of Jamaica, I guarantee you that they would be more engaged with the process. We need to get kids excited about politics at an early age–and African Americans in general–and make them realize that the only way that they can really change what is going on is to become involved with the political process. People will pay attention to you if you have power at the ballot box.

Herman Cain’s impact on the way mainstream America views African American men…

Wasn’t a good one. He played right into that stereotype of the Black male being this hyper sexed, skirt-chasing, Lothario. The whole thing was sad to watch. Mr. 999 didn’t do us any favors.

My advice for anyone who wants to follow in my footsteps is…

Stay at it and don’t get discouraged. It takes time to start gaining followers, and building a brand. Just write about what you love and write for yourself and they will come. Oh, and keep your posts short. That’s the best advice I ever got.

Next on the horizon for me is…

Hopefully a book deal and a radio gig on the side. Until then I just want to keep building the Field Negro brand.

Be sure to check out the rest of the digital thought leaders as they’re revealed each day by logging on to

Watch below as Bennett’s reveals the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of The Field Negro’s success.

Video shot and edited by Brain Food Film. Shot on location at the 40/40 Club New York.

