Black Blogger Month: Divas & Dorks, Best of Both Blogs – Black Enterprise

Black Blogger Month: Divas & Dorks, Best of Both Blogs

Christen Rochon, founder of
Christen Rochon, founder of

After noticing the vast amount of time she spent scouring the Internet for fashion, entertainment, and technology websites separately, 32-year-old Detroit native Christen Rochon seized the opportunity to merge the three cyber worlds into one. The result was, the one-stop destination for women who love their gadgets just as much as their gossip and Gianvito Rossi shoes.

Often called the “Black girl’s Mashable” or a “female-friendly Engadget,” Divas & Dorks (now based in NYC) reels in over 45,000 visitors each month since it’s inception in 2009; prompting Rochon to leave her $60,000/year broadcast media career with CBS Radio behind to tend to her website fulltime. Quirky and quick-witted content, combined with cutting edge technology keeps Divas & Dorks ahead of the pack, and on the radar of heavy-hitting corporate clients. As part of‘s second annual Black Blogger Month, Rochon retraces her path to online success.

I started blogging because…

I noticed that I would spend hours at work exploring fashion, gossip, entertainment and technology sites.  After awhile, I realized that if I could find a site that combined two-three of those topics into one site that I’d save a lot of time roaming on the Web. Upon researching that there was a void in the blogosphere for this type of combined content, I decided to create it myself.

Being a dork is better than being a diva because….

I believe that it’s a lot easier to define what a diva is and how they act than it is to define a dork. In my mind, being a dork means being unique, original and a square excluded from popular circles. There are so many people that would argue the opposite but, hey, I guess that’s what makes me unique.

Divas & Dorks is unique because…

It combines fashion, technology and entertainment from my unique perspective.  At the time of development in 2009, was created to fill the need of fashion, technology and entertainment news from your sister’s perspective. It prides itself on having a unique voice about entertainment topics, new gadgets and fashions; unlike anything else found on the Web.

People trust my brand because…

They know that no matter what, they can expect integrity. I’ve learned so much throughout my career in broadcast media and have been able to apply most, if not all, of what I’ve learned to my business. the brand is known for quirky editorial content, but it’s also known for excellent business practices and that’s something still relatively new in the blogging world.

The biggest mistake I’ve ever made in business was…

Wasting time with business associates that didn’t contribute to my professional development. There’s a huge difference between friends and associates–my grandmother taught me that not everyone you associate with is your friend. And the one thing that you can’t regain once lost, is time.

What I learned from that mistake was…

That in business, you can’t take things personal; you can’t allow your personal feelings to cloud your professional judgment. I have had several instances where I’ve had to distance myself from former business associates because their intentions were far from good and their faux friendship wasn’t contributing to my personal or professional development.

The biggest influence in my life is…

My mom. She was recently featured on with me for our unique mom/mentor relationship.  She taught me the meaning of tenacity, and being unapologetic for having standards.

I realized blogging was a profitable business when…

I began to see more and more advertisers on blog sites.  Coming from a broadcast media background with experience in digital ad sales (and an idea of corporate digital advertising budgets) I was able to differentiate between affiliate sales and sponsorships, and [began to] explore corporate sponsorship opportunities online.

The biggest lesson I learned about branding in the digital space was…

That “Tweets are watching…” Meaning, that no matter what, you have to have a level of professionalism online. I’ve known several social media and brand managers for national brands list blogging brands that they won’t work with because of questionable behavior and branding online. Yeah, social media is supposed to be fun, but when you’re in the business of working in the digital space, it’s your job 24/7 and you’re responsible for what you say, do and portray online.

The best piece of business advice I ever got was…

More of a learned sales lesson during my media sales career: “Every ‘no,’ gets you that much closer to your ‘yes!’” This advice really helped me get over a fear of rejection, in business and in life. The moment you walk around unafraid of rejection or being told no, is the moment that you become one of the most powerful business people in the world.

Click here to continue reading and to watch Rochon’s video interview…
