Black Blogger Month: BrothaTech, Breaking Tech Talk Down for the Masses – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Black Blogger Month: BrothaTech, Breaking Tech Talk Down for the Masses

Terrance Gaines is the founder of (Image: Terrance Gaines)

I realized blogging was a business when…

People I was not familiar with–people I have not made a relationship with–they’ve reached out to me with serious technology questions. When people came to me needing actual, not just basic information, like, ‘Hey, what is the latest gadget?’ They’re asking me, how do I include that into my business? How do I include this gadget into my daily lifestyle? How do I use social media to expand my business reach? When people started asking me those specific questions on how to specifically integrate technology into their daily lifestyle, that’s when I figured I may be onto something as far as building a business out of just blogging about technology.

The best piece of business advice I ever got was…

“Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.” I got that from a friend of mine, a mentor, Mario Armstrong.  He’s been on the Black Blogger [Month] list before.  I’m the type of person to where I have to make sure it’s right before I take the first step. Things won’t happen if you are not willing to take chances, take that next step.  That’s probably stuck with me for the longest.

The biggest mistake I ever made in business was…

Probably over planning.  I analyze everything and instead of just getting started with a project, with an idea, I tend to overanalyze and plan out every step to where there’s already a bunch of plans and a bunch of obstacles, and I haven’t even taken the first step.

What you learned from that was…

Take that first step. I’m doing a re-org, rebranding, a mini-one. I’m looking to move my blog into more of a business.  The information that I share on my site, I want to be able to package into a product to actually provide to people–whether it be in person or virtually. I’m just starting to do that now just because I’ve started to get out of my comfort zone.  I wish I would’ve done this a year or two ago; I maybe farther along.

I measure success according to…

Whether or not you know who you are or what you’re doing. Success can be measured monetarily, but if you can look yourself in the mirror and be proud of what you have accomplished, and those accomplishments, more importantly, are able to support you, then I think that’s the true value of success.

None of your success would be possible if not for…

A strong support system from my family.

It’s important for the next generation to be versed in STEM because…

Technology is only going to grow.  It’s only going to get bigger; it’s going to spread into more areas of your life. I think technology is going to be everywhere and it includes any person like myself to encourage the generation behind me to adopt STEM. Get right or get left!

If I wasn’t blogging, I’d probably be…

Owner of a car shop.  I’d own a detailed shop to where people can come and get their cars tuned and get them detailed, and customize cars and stuff.

My advice for anyone who wants to follow in my footsteps…

Start with building good relationships.  The relationships that I’ve made have taken me a long way.  Things have come easy to me in the business, in the blogging space, because I’ve made those genuine connections ahead of time. And when I mean genuine, not just, hey, I’m starting this thing. Why don’t you follow me, like me, or subscribe, or get my email list? I mean, actually build a relationship and when the time comes for you to market, promote, or let people know what you’re doing, it’ll be that much easier to already have that foundation, that network in place.

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