Black, Asian, and Hispanic Business Groups Push America’s CEOs To Address Rising Wave Of Hate Crimes – Black Enterprise
Business Diversity, Equality, Inclusion News Politics

Black, Asian, and Hispanic Business Groups Push America’s CEOs To Address Rising Wave Of Hate Crimes

Asian Americans protest the discrimination they've faced during the coronavirus pandemic. Image: Twitter/@jilevin

The Asian American Business Development Center, U.S. Black Chambers, and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce have issued an open letter to America’s CEOs to address rising hate crimes.

The groups believe the CEOs of America’s corporations have a responsibility to speak out against the hate and discrimination the Asian-American community has experienced during the coronavirus pandemic.

“We call on all employers with the leadership of their CEOs to make racial equity and hate crimes against all minorities a top agenda item. We encourage the senior leadership of companies to have “hearing sessions” to address concerns of their minority employees and to speak up (by way of verbal or written statements to their employees) condemning the racial violence,” the letter states.

Earlier this week, Robert Long shot eight people including six Asian women in a series of shootings at local massage parlors. The incident nationalized what has been a tumultuous year for the Asian community.

Former President Donald Trump largely blamed the group for the coronavirus pandemic, calling it the Kung-flu and attacking an Asian reporter. Trump’s supporters have followed in his footsteps as the number of hate crimes against Asian-Americans has skyrocketed over the last year.

Stop AAPI Hate, a website that tracks and responds to incidents of hate, violence, and bigotry against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders, reported more than 2,800 incidents of hate crimes toward Asian-Americans since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

The NAACP,  the Executive Leadership Council, and other civil rights organizations have put out statements of support to the Asian community. Derrick Johnson, president of the NAACP did not mince words about the attacks.

“Let me be very clear: These attacks are part of a larger trend of racism and nationalism sanctioned by white supremacy,” Johnson said in a statement Friday.

The open letter also gives tips for those who may be concerned about friends or family in the Asian community. Those include checking in on family and friends to see if they need advice or help and letting them know that you understand and will fight with them.

President Joe Biden also released a statement Friday calling on Congress to pass the COVID-19 hate Crimes Act. the bill will require a designated officer or Department of Justice employee to facilitate the expedited review of COVID-19 hate crimes and reports of COVID-19 hate crimes.
