Bill Cosby Show Canceled in Massachusetts – Black Enterprise

Bill Cosby Show Canceled in Massachusetts

Headshot of Bill Cosby
(Source: Facebook)

Bill Cosby‘s current comedy tour is scheduled through May 2, but his upcoming show on Feb. 6th in Worcester, Massachusetts has been cancelled in the aftermath of scandal. His two other shows at Boston’s Wilbur Theatre on Feb. 8 are still on, but the Boston Globe has reported that there will most likely be protests occurring around the theatre.

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President and CEO of the theater, Troy Siebels indicated in reports that the cancellation was the decision of the promoter for the event and had been worked out with Cosby’s agent. “I do think we are relieved. It’s not a situation anybody wanted to be in, but our image in the community means a lot to us and I know that there are those who will be relieved not to see him appear here,” to

The 77-year-old entertainer and philanthropist has been faced ongoing sexual assault allegations by more than 15 women, which became a massive topic of controversy last year after new allegations were publicized and old resurfaced.

