Bernanke to Lecture at Morehouse College – Black Enterprise
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Bernanke to Lecture at Morehouse College

bernanke_benFederal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will lecture and hold a forum with students at Atlanta’s Morehouse College tomorrow.

“This is an opportunity for our students to gain a better understanding of how the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve Bank interact and clarify their role in the economy as a whole,” said Cheryl Allen, dean of the division of business and economics at Morehouse (No. 3 on the BE 2008 List of Top 50 Colleges for African Americans).

Four students, chosen because of their academic performance and their community service work, will query Bernanke on a variety of economic topics during a discussion with students, faculty, and staff. Bernanke, will address “bank mergers, mortgage crises, stimulus packages and consumer confidence,” the school said in a statement.

“It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our economics students, with Mr. Bernanke’s background as an economics scholar and professor,” Allen said.

The event isn’t open to the public.

Deborah Creighton Skinner is the editorial director at
