Ben Carson Tests Positive For COVID-19 – Black Enterprise
COVID-19 News Politics

Ben Carson Tests Positive For COVID-19

Ben Carson COVID
Ben Carson (Image: Twitter)

Bad news for the Trump administration keeps coming after it was revealed last week that White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tested positive for COVID-19. Now, according to ABC News, United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson has also tested positive for the coronavirus Monday morning.

“Secretary Carson has tested positive for the coronavirus. He is in good spirits and feels fortunate to have access to effective therapeutics which aid and markedly speed his recovery,” Coalter Baker, Carson’s chief of staff, said in a statement to ABC News.

It’s been reported that Carson attended the same election night party as Meadows.

After experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus, Carson was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland where he was tested and it was confirmed that he had also contracted COVID-19.

CNN recently reported that at least five people in Trump’s orbit, including his chief of staff, had tested positive for COVID-19 after last week’s Election Night event that was meant to celebrate Trump’s presidential re-election victory.

Carson, who is a retired neurosurgeon and also a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, was seen without a face covering at several Trump campaign events leading up to Election Day, which includes a Trump campaign rally in Waterford Township, Michigan, on Oct. 30.
Carson isn’t the first prominent Black Republican who was closely associated with President Trump. Back in July of this year, after attending a Trump rally and not wearing any face covering or participating in social distancing, successful businessman and former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain contracted COVID-19 and died.

Cain, who made a presidential run on the Republican ticket back in 2011, was also ordained as a minister and has been recognized for his business prowess as one of Black Enterprise’s Most Powerful executives over the years.
