‘Because of Them, We Can’ Campaign Celebrates 2015 Graduates – Page 4 – Black Enterprise

‘Because of Them, We Can’ Campaign Celebrates 2015 Graduates

(Image: Facebook)
(Image: Facebook)

“Chicago makes national headlines … and sometimes for the wrong reasons. [But within the] dichotomy of violence and segregation is perseverance and love. As a 12-year veteran theater teacher in a Chicago charter school, I wanted to share a picture with you and your beautiful community. The other day, two kindergarten-aged girls decided to explore the costume center. They chose to be graduates or in their words, ‘We want to be a graduation.’

The sign that the beautiful child on the left is holding is a part of a construction worker’s costume. Before I took the picture she asked me to wait. She ran back to the center and retrieved the sign. Little did she know how powerful this sign and her choice to be a graduate was. Our ability to learn is innate.”
