BE Tweets of the Week: #BEPolitics

The Twitterverse is constantly buzzing with an outlined play-by-play on the latest in news, entertainment and trending topics—to name a few on the long list of online conversation starters. Twitter users are, in total, sending an average of 55 million tweets a day, according to a Twitter study released last April. Of course, with all that chatter it's easy to block out a lot of it, but within all the noise there's still a large percentage that catches your attention in one way or another. In an effort to make sure you're not missing out on the valuable commentary and comments online, BlackEnterprise.com will now curate the tweets throughout the week staffers think were worth taking note of, whether an expert, celebrity or or even you masterminded the tweet. With all that went down on Capitol Hill this week, this BE Tweets of the Week package is all about the GOP, Dems, and good ol' politics. --Janel Martinez

The Twitterverse is constantly buzzing with an outlined play-by-play on the latest in news, entertainment and trending topics—to name a few on the long list of online conversation starters. Twitter users are, in total, sending an average of 55 million tweets a day, according to a Twitter study released last April. Of course, with all that chatter it's easy to block out a lot of it, but within all the noise there's still a large percentage that catches your attention in one way or another. In an effort to make sure you're not missing out on the valuable commentary and comments online, BlackEnterprise.com will now curate the tweets throughout the week staffers think were worth taking note of, whether an expert, celebrity or or even you masterminded the tweet. With all that went down on Capitol Hill this week, this BE Tweets of the Week package is all about the GOP, Dems, and good ol' politics. --Janel Martinez more
"TO THE GOP: There's nothing wrong with being rich. Nobody has anything against the rich. It is great that you care so much about them as we ALL care about the rich in this country. However, you shouldn't care MORE about the rich than you care about the rest of the whole d@mn country! It is just as wrong to take from the rich to give to the poor, as it is to take from the poor and give to the rich. Everyone has value!" —Ryan Mack (@ryancmack)more
"Obama giving tax cuts to the rich makes about as much sense as giving steroids to the Incredible Hulk." —David "Dave Chappelle" Webber (@davechappelle)more
"The Obama administration has not been as aggressive as they should be on poverty across the board, much less black unemployment." —Tavis Smiley (@tavissmiley)more
"Do you know how many Americans will benefit from the estate tax deal? 6400. Seriously, why would we bail out 6400 of the richest families?" —Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile)more
"No tax on estate $$ does nothing to help anyone but the newly rich and certainly not the deficit." —Debbie Hines (@legalspeaks)more
"For the life of me I can’t understand how lowering the estate tax will help to create 1 single job in this country" —CJ (@darkknight316)more
Want to weigh in on BE Tweets of the Week? Start a new conversation using our hashtag #BEPolitics on Twitter and let your voice be heard. We're listening! For more on politics, read: Breaking News: Democrats Reject Obama-Republican Tax Plan Time's Up: Extended Unemployment Benefits Expire 5 Ways to Maintain after Losing Your Unemployment Benefitsmore
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