BE Modern Man: Meet The Superintendent Dr. Thomas McBryde Jr.

Name: Dr. Thomas McBryde Jr.
Age: 36
Profession: Deputy Superintendent [New York Department of Education]
One Word That Describes You: Tenacious

For the New York Department of Education, there’s one man who looks to transform public education into a hub of forward progression and his name is Dr. Thomas McBryde Jr. From elevating achievement requirements at KIPP Achieve Academy to helping 8th graders develop their English skills, Dr. McBryde Jr. has required only stellar academic success from those in his presence.

Challenged originally by a Morehouse colleague who joined Teach for America, Dr. McBryde committed two years of his life to provide high quality education to young black boys who didn’t even know the all-male university even existed. “There was no one telling them what was out there in the world, supporting them in their studies, or implanting within them the belief that they could achieve entrance there [to Morehouse] or anywhere else for that matter,” Dr. McBryde Jr. told BE Modern Man exclusively.

It is that need to be a mentor to our young that drives Thomas to help the way he does within our community. When asked what are some key tenets to success that black men carry in their DNA that you won’t find in other races, here’s what he had to say: “The innate ability to persevere despite being faced with what many would characterize as insurmountable obstacles. We also have the strength to endure the most difficult challenges and still stand.” A man who served as the Resident Principal for New Leaders for New Schools contends that hard work and a heightened level of pride are other tents that we have that propel us into higher stratospheres of success.

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As an agent of change within the educational system, Dr. McBryde  not only impacts students, but entire communities. His drive to do so comes from his healthy support system of friends, colleagues, and family who push him to support the growing next generation of leaders. “I only surround myself with people who inspire and challenge me to grow through their life and ambition,” Dr. McBryde tells BE Modern Man exclusively. “My peers were very supportive when I decided to leave my principalship in Brownsville, New York to have a greater impact on more students in a new role as Deputy Superintendent. They would not allow my fears to undermine the gifts and strengths they saw in me and pushed me to move beyond my comfort level so I could have a broader impact.”

Education, particularly in New York City, is a

rough bag to carry. There are so many vices and temptations that young developing minds can sometimes easily fall into the traps that knock them off course. “By displaying characteristics of integrity, hard work, intelligence, and commitment to service, we can break through the static of stereotypes,” Dr. McBryde said. “I grew up in 12EPioneer Homes, projects in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and was constantly surrounded by drugs, poverty and violence. Despite my environment, I was able to receive a high quality education and leverage it to create opportunities and achieve my dreams.”

Dr. McBryde also has a bit of advice for the new generation looking towards technology as a means of having a successful career. “It can be a great medium to connect or network with various people, but if used incorrectly it could create difficult for obtaining jobs, acceptance to college, and ruin reputations,” he advises. “I caution the young that whenever they begin to apply to colleges or jobs, think about the qualities they possess, as well as operate with integrity on-and-offline, because the world is always watching — and it’s best to present your best self.”

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Our best selves aren’t being blasted on the news every night, nor are we seeing that in the media we choose to

consume. We asked Dr. McBryde, a man who spent time with young people at Clayton County Public Schools, to answer just why Black men aren’t championed more positively in popular culture. He said, “We are a threat. Due to our innate greatness, the outside world looks to demonize us or only highlight negative images to dispel the idea that we are the strongest force in this world.” With that said, Thomas believes that those facts empower our detractors to spotlight the accomplishments of doctors, lawyers, or educations who are making a daily difference “and seek to only focus on athletes or rappers” who only show one small side of who we are.

Dr. Thomas McBryde Jr., a man full of strong character and gumption for imbuing black people with education, sees his own impact within the African American community as “a calling”. “I seek daily through my work to instill hop, create opportunities, inspire greatness, and equip my students with the skills needed to go out and achieve their dreams. If kids are provided a quality education, there is nothing the world can withhold from them, so I seek to make it a reality everyday by holding expectations for everyone responsible for their education.”

As a BE Modern Man, Dr. McBryde exhibits strength, resiliency, fortitude, and a

true commitment to excellence. For him, he see the opportunity as a distinction, which defined by him means “to be a person progressive and assured of himself and his abilities to achieve any goals set for one’s self.” A curious man, who escaped abject poverty, drugs, and street life, evolved to help others do the same — in the end becoming his best self and an example of what possibility and positivity can create.

Dr. Thomas McBryde Jr., a man who prides himself on getting the best results out of his teachers and students, earned his reputation through grit, determination, and support from others. From instilling a mindset into the principals of New York City to encouraging the young to reach for the stars — Dr. McBryde  represents the passion and desire for higher learning that we as a people possess that proves our normal is truly extraordinary.

We here at Black Enterprise salute you, Dr. Thomas McBryde Jr., for contributing positive images of  African American culture to the masses. Your mission of educating and enlightening our young and old frames us in an enthusiastic light, and is meant to be celebrated and appreciated.

Be sure to follow the latest and greatest from Dr. Thomas McBryde Jr. (and us!) by following on Twitter.

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