BE Modern Man: Meet “The Architect” Olalekan Jeyifous

(Image: Vigilism.com)

Name: Olalekan Jeyifous

Profession: Artist/Designer/ Freelance Illustrator

Age: 37

One Word That Describes You: Discursive

Attending Cornell University’s School of Architecture, Olalekan Jeyifous learned how to successfully design narratives through a variety of visual modes of representation.  The studio environment he worked in gave him the freedom to develop and employ a variety of aesthetic languages. Upon graduating, he decided not to work for a traditional architecture firm. “I went to work for a multidisciplinary design agency where I was given a tremendous amount of freedom,” Jeyifous tells BE Modern Man. “I was able to come up with virtual set designs for a variety of projects, ranging from high-end fashion editorials, sports portraiture, interactive theater set-designs, as well as visualizing speculative designs for architects and developers.”

During this time, Jeyifous was also invited to be one of 15 architects, artists, and designers selected to participate in an exhibit at the Studio Museum in Harlem titled ‘Harlemworld: Metropolis as Metaphor.’ “I was always working on something, and though my 9-5 [more like 10am-8pm] was a near perfect gig, I was stretched thin and desperately needed time to pursue my own creative compulsions.”

So, in 2004 he put in his two-week notice, and was able to leave on good terms. “I was never quite cut out for a traditional architectural job, or any job for that matter, and was searching for a way to define my practice on my own terms and get paid for it,” says Jeyifous. For the past 10 years he has been able to successfully define his practice with only a few hiccups, most of which have been in regards to balancing contractual obligations with self-motivated projects. “To this day my largest obstacle is constantly motivating myself to produce new work without a client, commission, or ensuing exhibition opportunity.”

Creatively driven to deploy forward-thinking themes and narratives through a combination

of digital and analog processes, Jeyifous produces artwork that is uniquely inspired and conceived, yet universally applicable. “I create visions of speculative futures rooted in immanence and possibility, and that draw heavily from my architectural background,” Jeyifous tells BE Modern Man. “In addition to the fact that black folks are still enormously underrepresented within the field of architecture and art, tinged heavily with science fiction references, is relatively unique within an African/Diaspora context.”

Read more on page 2…

Art residencies and awards are appreciated, but what drives Jeyifous’ work is the reaction he receives from its viewers. “My greatest achievement is not a milestone or finite accomplishment, but rather the sustained positive reactions to the kind of artwork that I produce: which is a sort of cannibal architectural futurism derived from sourced images, 3D computer models, sketches, and “borrowed and invented” narratives.” Jeyifous is often told that his artwork, creative process, and “career” trajectory is inspiring to emerging artists, architects, and designers because it

deviates from the architecture and art professions traditionally understood and practiced. “It is this kind of consistent support and validation that reaffirms my decision to walk this path, and gives me the confidence to stay on it.”

Committed to his craft, Jeyifous believes that education, whether traditional or non-traditional, is vital to creating opportunities for oneself. “Commitment and dedication are traits that many people will notice and appreciate in your brand,” he says. “For those who choose the non-traditional route, success is often attainable due to the kind of characteristics that are often specific to such intrepid individuals; chief among them being: drive, creativity, resourcefulness, and an ability to define, set, and meet goals and milestones independent of familiar constructs or safeguards.

Huge disparities exist in the space that Jeyifous occupies, and he is well aware of this. He is also conscious, which allows him to focus his artwork on breaking free from conventionality. “My artwork regularly focuses on speculative, sci-fi inspired

narratives and inventive re-imaginings of contemporary issues, and projecting them into the future in either optimistic (Utopian) or cynical (Dystopian) ways.” If this is done well, or in a visually compelling manner, then the possibility exists to shift the dialogue beyond generic and stereotypical archetypes. “When these narratives get picked up by digital (social), and even traditional media, and spread widely, it can contribute to challenging long-held perceptions,” says Jeyifous.

Undefined and unconventional, Jeyifous is nothing less than unique. “In my estimation a BE Modern Man is a man who actively pursues and commits to a life of personal fulfillment and social responsibility, while also having a positive impact on others.”

The BE Modern Man team congratulates Olalekan Jeyifous for staying true to his creative genius and architectural background, and for providing the world with artwork that is inspired and universally applicable.

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