BE Modern Man: Meet “Mr. Suit and Tie” Gerard Kersey – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

BE Modern Man: Meet “Mr. Suit and Tie” Gerard Kersey

Black Men

Through his personal and professional experiences, Kersey has gained knowledge that helps him build, create, and grow TSY. He credits men in his life, such as Pastor David Sparks, Dr. Fred Price, Mike Freemen, and Pastor Paul. B Mitchell, for setting the bar high and providing him with great guiding principles. “Learn as much as you can though formal education to perfect your craft, but do not be afraid to earn on the go,” says Kersey. “While I definitely did my homework, plenty of the lessons I have learned the hard way have added value as well, because some lessons may not have been learned any other way.” No matter how big the task, Kersey reminds us that in order to accomplish anything we must first start the process.

When asked what advice he has for those attempting to build relationships in the entrepreneurial community he says, “always be professional, keep your word, and be sincere and on time.” These traits have helped Kersey on his path and, in turn, have enabled him to assist those that follow his example. “I have met, and continue to meet, African Americans that are nothing like the stereotypes placed on us. In fact, I would not be moving forward with my vision if it were not for African Americans who helped me, assisted me, and supported me. I believe we are changing the dynamic, and people like Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry should be thanked for being examples of this. We are rewriting our history, and this needs to be shouted from the roof tops.”

Balancing family time with his career, business, nonprofit and pastoral duties, can be overwhelming, but Kersey is very deliberate with planning and scheduling. “I believe the BE Modern Man is a man that is responsible for his family,” says Kersey. “He raises his children and praises his wife as a woman of virtue. He is a business man that is an excellent leader and a champion for the youth, volunteering his time to educate them. He is not perfect but he is perfect, for today’s time, to lead the next generation.”

The team congratulates Gerard Kersey and TSY in their efforts to uplift and support the community by providing deserving men the tools needed to obtain jobs.

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