BE Modern Man: Meet “The Gamechanger” Charles King – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

BE Modern Man: Meet “The Gamechanger” Charles King

A husband and father to two young boys, King leads by example. He sees the impact that he is making within the industry through his own sons aged 8 and 6. “When I told them I was starting Macro they jumped up and down and screamed “Daddy is a boss!” King tells BE Modern Man. “It was a total perspective shift and validation about the importance of showing our children and the greater community that we can own and build defining legacy institutions.”

Defining legacy does not come easy with mainstream media often painting people of color inside a box that limits them to a shortlist of stereotypes. But despite the barriers anything is possible. “I hope that someone will read this and realize that, though the odds may be stacked against them, through hard work, prayer and perseverance, they can achieve their goals,” says King. “It’s important to have a big vision. Someone once said that if your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough. I just hope that a young BE Modern Man hopeful is reading this now and refusing to believe that just because they don’t have connections or money or an otherwise “clear path” to their dream, that doesn’t mean they won’t be able to reach their goal.”

The goal, the dream, the success are within every BE Modern Man hopeful. Their are a few common threads and key tenets that bind successful people together and King shares the select few he concentrates on –  “1.VISUALIZATION: the ability to see beyond your current circumstances, no matter how dire, and envision a new reality for yourself; 2. DENIAL (in the healthy sense): seeing what the mainstream is saying about you and refusing to believe or internalize it; 3. LEGACY MINDSET: we see ourselves as part of a larger history walking in the path that our strong forefathers have set before us. Black men are at our best when we realize it’s up to us to contribute a brick to that continuing legacy.”

Incredibly honored and humbled to be a BE Modern Man King says, “this encourages me to continue to live up to this honor.”

The team congratulates Charles and fully supports him as he builds his business empire MACRO. The entertainment industry is in dire need of an organization that is focused on providing multicultural content and engagement to the marketplace. His work ethic speaks for itself and provides all of us an example of what is possible.

It’s our normal to be extraordinary. Follow and join the BE Modern Man conversation at #BEModernMan and @blackenterprise
