BE Modern Man: Meet Author, Life Coach, and the 19th Child of 21, Paul Lamar Hunter

(Image: blackdoctor.org)

Name: Paul Lamar Hunter

Profession: CEO, Author, Life Coach, and Motivational Speaker

Age: 44

One Word That Describes You: Tenacious

Paul Lamar Hunter is living proof that limits and lineage don’t determine the quality of one’s life, but faith, fortitude, and determination do. Born the 19th child of 21, Hunter has overcome a lifetime of challenges, such as being the first person in his family to earn a college degree. Knowing that his life story would leave an impact on the lives of young men and women, Hunter felt it was important to chronicle his journey to success in a written work titled, No Love, No Charity: The Success of the 19th Child.

[Related: BE Modern Man: Meet 30-Year-Old Professor DeLeon Gray, Ph.D.]

Despite Hunter’s mis

fortunes and failures, his determination helped earn him a B.S. degree in business administration from Upper Iowa University. “Education is the key that can unlock so many doors, however, once you walk through that
door you need ability, innovation, and imagination, to stay,” says Hunter. Working with organizations, such as as My Brother’s Keeper, Boy’s and Girls Club, Young Leaders Academy, Family Endeavors, and The YMCA, have positioned Hunter to directly impact youth and young adults on a daily basis. “These are organizations that are helping youth to move forward in life. They are changing their lives.”

Hunter has dedicated his life to inspiring young people to take the necessary steps to pursue excellence,

become better students in the classroom, and productive citizens in the community. As a leader in the community, Hunter commits to reinvestment in the inner-city by going into schools, churches, and prisons, to speak with young men and women. “In many cases, at-risk youth have no positive role models that they have access to, to emulate. This is why exposure and mentoring programs are such a vital piece.”

What advice does Hunter, a man who’s persevered through trying times, have for the next generation of BE Modern hopefuls?  “No matter what challenges or disadvantages you face, you can make it.”

Paul Lamar Hunter is a well-adapted black man who is ready to take on today’s challenges, but still remembers where he came from. The Black Enterprise team applauds him for his tenacity and perseverance. He is a BE Modern Man.

It’s our normal to be extraordinary. Follow and join the Black Enterprise Modern Man conversation on twitter @blackenterprise

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