Bandbasher Allows Artists to Build their Industry Network through the Platform – Black Enterprise

Bandbasher Allows Artists to Build their Industry Network through the Platform

Black Singer on Stage (Image: Stock by Richie Lugo)

In the entertainment industry, just like any other, it is extremely important to have an active support system. Bandbasher, an online platform for artist development, community collaboration, and business management, recently rolled out a new feature called Connections. This feature allows musicians to expand their networks; increasing their opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals.

“It’s a way to build your support system,” explained Bandbasher co-founder and CEO DeCarlos Garrison in a statement. “You need someone who’s on the same page, who’s going through the same struggles, to motivate you. We want our users to talk about their goals and aspirations, about their skill sets.”

Garrison understands this more than most having worked in promotions at Def Jam, running management for the hip-hop duo Smilez and Southstar, and doing marketing for Nelly, Cash Money, Ruff Ryders, and Loud Records. In order to gain access to these positions, he had to work his way up through the system and rely heavily on his network.

Once users are in the system and begin to connect with other users, they will be given tools to support their projects. The platform allows for user engagement very seamlessly. “No one has really done a great job on musician-to-musician social networking,” co-founder and COO Gleb Teper states. “There are lots of stand-alone platforms and services, but none where you can manage aspects of your professional life in a single, easy dashboard.”

Other features of the platform include:

  • Courses: Video-based learning resources cover a variety of subjects, including branding, collaboration, budgeting, project management, distribution, networking, music videos, and record deals
  • Numbers: The display of statistics helps users understand how online actions contribute to progress
  • Music: Users can store, plus move their audio tracks, track descriptions, images, albums, plays, and likes from sites such as SoundCloud to their account, which can provide peace-of-mind when the status of such services becomes shaky
  • Connections: Users can search for the missing pieces of their network, connect with music industry professionals, and chat to set up collaborations
(Image: Band Basher)
(Image: Band Basher)

Musicians, check the platform out here.

