Marcia Wade Talbert – Black Enterprise

Marcia Wade Talbert

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Marcia is a multimedia content producer focusing on technology at Black Enterprise Magazine. In this capacity she writes and assigns stories to educate readers about social media; digital integration; gadgets, apps, and software for business and professional development; minority tech startups; and careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). In 2012, she received two Salute to Excellence Awards from the National Association of Black Journalists and was recognized by Blacks in Technology (BiT) as one of the Top 10 Black achievers in the tech arena for 2011 at SXSW in Austin, Texas. She has spoken about technology on panels for New York Social Media Week, at The 2012 Rainbow/PUSH Wall Street Summit, as well as at Black Enterprise'ss Entrepreneurs Conference and Women of Power Summit. In 2011, chose her as one of 28 People of Color Impacting the Social Web, and through crowdsourcing she was listed as one of BlackWeb2.0's/HP's 50 Most Notable African American Tastemakers in Social Media and Technology for 2010. Since taking on the role of Tech editor in September 2010, she has conceived and produced five cover stories on Technology and/or STEM and countless articles, videos, and slideshows online.
Events Technology

[TechConnext Summit] From Wall Street to the Valley, TaskRabbit COO Explains the Key to Transitioning Successfully

Marcia Wade Talbert
Stacy Brown Philpot is a master at building and scaling global juggernaut companies. She spent nine years working in different director-level positions at Google, before...
Events Technology

[TechConnext Summit] TwitChange Founder: At the Intersection of Tech and Hollywood, Integrity is the Key

Marcia Wade Talbert
Whether he’s building multi-million dollar integrated media solutions to brand musical groups like the Jonas brothers or delivering emergency aid to Haiti with help from...
Events Technology

[TechConnext Summit] A Forefather to the Modern Day Personal Computer Reflects on His Impactful Career

Marcia Wade Talbert
Roy Clay Sr led the team that created Hewlett -Packard's first minicomputer. Black Enterprise will honor him with a Trailblazer Award at its Inaugural TECHCONNEXT...

Soldsie Kicks Social Selling Up Another Notch With New Platform for Instagram

Marcia Wade Talbert
Have2Have.It shortens the path from Instagram to a brand’s website making it easier for people surfing Instagram to get to websites and access content, whether...