Tonya Ladipo – Black Enterprise

Tonya Ladipo

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Founder and CEO of The Ladipo Group, Tonya Ladipo, LCSW, is the visionary behind the region’s only counseling and consulting practice specializing in serving Black and African-American communities. Using her unique perspective as a clinician, Tonya understands what motivates people and organizations to change. She is driven to help individuals and organizations develop healthy and sustainable relationships that fosters growth and opportunities for all. With a commitment to making workplaces more inclusive so people of all backgrounds can succeed, Tonya applies her clinical knowledge and expertise to the consulting and training services The Ladipo Group conducts with organizations. Her motto of Knowledge is Good, Behavior is Better underscores the approach to creating and maintaining a welcoming workplace that is free of bullying with opportunities for advancement for all. As an engaging speaker on inclusive workplace cultures, emotional intelligence, and women’s wellness Tonya speaks to large audiences (500+) as well more intimate gatherings. She was the keynote speaker at the Philadelphia Works’ Workforce Development Conference in 2017, as well as the keynote speaker for Villanova University’s Women of Color luncheon in May 2015. She was a speaker at the Black Women Talk Tech conference in 2018. In 2015 she was also awarded the Advena World Most Outstanding Speaker award.