Ask The Inventress: Why This 75-Years Young Inventor Says It’s Never Too Late

(Image: iStock.com/monkeybusinessimages)

I recently had the pleasure of consulting with an amazing, 75-year-young woman with a bucket list of inventions. Mary crafted many ideas throughout the years, however she never had the time to pursue getting her inventions developed because of her work schedule.

She realized that it was now or never to make a check beside that item on her bucket list. Mary came to me with passion and determination to get her ideas developed. She knew what she wanted her product to look like from top to bottom, and she even knew what color she wanted it to be. I was very impressed with the details she gave to me; she had a vision of exactly what she wanted, and I was determined to develop it for her.

Her motivation was to leave her children and grandchildren
with a legacy and financial stability, with the millions that she will make from her inventions. Clearly, Mary properly used time and preparation to her advantage, because once we started the process of developing her products, we went full-speed ahead.

The takeaway I want to point out to all my fellow inventors is that “inventing involves more than passion.” There are also other
preparations and considerations that must be met in order to develop a product, including being financially prepared. You also need to be emotionally ready to research the market to see if there is a need for your product and so forth.

Due to Mary’s organization and focus, we’ve made a tremendous amount of progress in a very short space of time. We already have a

working prototype, a package design, a name for her product, and we are working on her website. Yes, we have a long way to go, however, Mary is willing to work on her product until the process is complete.

Mary is a true leader, an inspiration, and an inventor! I applaud her for all of her efforts, the belief she has in herself and in her product. Her perseverance and dedication to her dream has given her the opportunity to cross her inventions off of her bucket list.


never too late to fulfill your dream of becoming an inventor. I look forward to sharing our progress with you as we continue to develop and market her product. Mary’s dream is to see her product on national television and in retail stores. I’m looking forward to making Mary’s dream a reality.

What’s on your inventing bucket list? Please email me with any questions you may have.

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