Are You Stuck in Behavior that Could Guarantee Failure in Your Business? – Black Enterprise

Are You Stuck in Behavior that Could Guarantee Failure in Your Business?

(Image: Thinkstock)

Do you have trouble telling your friends that you don’t feel like going out? Or telling the nail technician that the edge of your polish is chipped and needs to be fixed?  Or telling your roommate that you’re not okay with his messy girlfriend staying over for a week?

If so, pay attention because you are displaying traits of a behavior pattern that could cause you to fail in business.  Sure, these scenarios are small instances of avoiding the truth and they seem to be no big deal.  Perhaps, they are in fact not a big deal.  Maybe you were just avoiding drama or trying to be nice.  But if you find yourself in these avoidance patterns frequently, it’s indicative of a deeper issue.  You may be living as a Denier.

I learned that habitual denial was bad for business and I saw how it hurt revenues at a company I co-owned and was running with a Denier; but at the time I couldn’t quite put my finger on the problem.  Since I could not name, define and articulate the root problem, the pattern of behavior continued and our hard work and revenues went down the drain. I get it now.  And I’m hoping I can save you some trouble.

After mentally reviewing that entire business experience for the treasures (lessons) I could take with me in life and into my next business venture I came to recognize and understand the Denier’s pattern.  For a person operating in this way it is most likely affecting every area of your life but here are a three ways it may be manifesting itself in business, and a few thoughts on how to address it:
