6 Apple Watch Apps Perfect for Women on the Go – Black Enterprise

6 Apple Watch Apps Perfect for Women on the Go

(Image: File)

If you’re the busy women on the go, currently cramming your life into phone calendars, desk planners, and jotting down grocery lists on old Starbucks napkins, this chaotic way of living may no longer have to be your norm, with the help the new Apple watch and it’s helpful productivity apps.

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Described as Apples most personal device yet, its been reported that nearly 1M people placed an order for an Apple Watch on the first day it was available.

As the first major device introduced with CEO, Tim Cook, at the head of the world’s most valuable company, Apple says the timepiece has all-new interactions and technologies, allowing  you to do familiar things more quickly and conveniently. As well as some things that simply weren’t possible before.

Sounds, ideal for the busy CEO/mom/wife/world traveler, eager to maintain a well balanced work to life ratio while seeking immediacy, efficiency, and of course, style.

Here are six productivity and everyday “life” apps available for the Apple Watch, and perfect for the women on the go.

Mint- The ultimate money budgeting app to keep you on track. View your monthly spending goals and track your progress toward meeting them. You can also choose to receive weekly notifications, so you’ll know whether you’re sticking to your budget or if you need to tighten your belt.

SPG Hotel and Resorts- Starwood Hotels & Resorts have added a new level of hospitality to your stay. Now you can unlock your door from your Apple Watch, no room key required. You can also get directions to your hotel, check in, see reservation details, and, if a member,  view your Starpoints balance.

Green Kitchen- The Green Kitchen app features dozens of healthy, organic recipes, and your Apple Watch can help you cook them perfectly. Find and follow a recipe on your iPhone. For the steps that need to be timed, tap to start a timer on your Apple Watch. At the right moment, you’ll get a notification like “Your quinoa should have little tails by now.”

Daily Bread- Bye bye Starbucks napkins, Daily Bread is a grocery list app built for the Apple Watch. Rather than typing in groceries it keeps track of items you buy most often and reminds you pick them up when it thinks you are low. How convenient.

Life Sum- Easily track how much food and water you’ve had during the day. Life Sum gives you feedback following meals to help you pick the right foods and portion sizes for your next meal – it can even tell you which foods to avoid. And throughout the day, it can offer inspirational reminders to keep you moving and motivated.

Commit to 3- Designed to keep you moving in the right direction, CommitTo3 lets you create teams of coworkers, friends, and family who collectively commit to that day’s three most important tasks. You can get gentle reminders throughout the day, check off your “commits” as you complete them, and see how the rest of your team is doing.

The Apple watch is available April 24th for in store purchase. For more information visit apple.com.
