An Attractive Site – Black Enterprise

An Attractive Site

I have created a Website that makes it possible for me to network with African American professionals nationwide, however the costs associated with advertising the site are not within my means. What resources can I use more efficiently to reach my advertising goals?
–Solex E., Via Internet

Now that you’ve created your Website, it’s time to promote it. The good news is that there are affordable ways to attract online customers. Here are a few steps you can take that are absolutely free.

Search engines are the primary means used to locate Websites. Therefore, it makes sense to optimize your Website to make it easier for people to find it through search engines. This involves submitting your Web page URL to search engines that robotically index the Web. Look for a link on the search engine for “Add Your URL.” The most widely used search engines are Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL Search, and AskJeeves.

Another good way to promote your site is through “link building.” All you have to do is ask other Websites to link to yours and you do the same.

But don’t give them prime real estate. Make sure those new links open up in a new browser window.

For more tips on how to optimize your Website for search engines, See “Make Your Website Pop” in this section.
