America’s Leading Doctors – Page 20 – Black Enterprise
Health and Wellness Lifestyle Magazine

America’s Leading Doctors

for surgery, diagnosis management, and treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.

Henri Ford, M.D.
Title: Vice President & Chief of Surgery, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Professor & Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs, Department of Surgery, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
Specialty: Pediatric Surgery
Ford oversees the entire perioperative services at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Ford is also credited with the high-tech minimally invasive surgery program developed at CHLA. He is a world-renowned researcher in the field of necrotizing enterocolitis, a devastating illness that affects the intestine of premature infants.

Specialty: Nuclear Cardiology
Jennifer Mieres, M.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine and Director of Nuclear Cardiology, New York
University School of Medicine
A native of Trinidad, West Indies, mieres is a nationally recognized expert on cardiovascular disease and its life-threatening effects on women. As such, she has become one of the nation’s leading advocates for women adopting a more heart-healthy lifestyle. “Since 1984 more women than men have died from heart disease in the U.S. so I made this my focus,”she asserts.”I want to send a message to women that heart disease can be prevented. Simple lifestyle changes can have an impact.”

Mieres oversees four physicians and the training of at least two or three rotating fellows at NYU School of Medicine. Mieres, a fellow of the American College of Cardiology, was one of the pioneers in the area of nuclear cardiology which applies noninvasive techniques to evaluate the blood flow to the heart muscle as well as target the size and location of heart attacks. Heavily involved in clinical cardiovascular research in women, the Boston University School of Medicine graduate chaired the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology’s Task Force on Women and Coronary Artery Disease and currently serves as one of the lead investigators of a national study to determine the optimal noninvasive test for women with suspected heart ailments.

Mieres’ has been routinely tapped by the media to discuss such health issues. In fact, she earned an Emmy nomination for her 2002 PBS documentary, A Woman’s Heart and she authored a highly acclaimed book on the topic, Heart Smart for Black Women and Latinas, that was released earlier this year. Both projects, she says, were vehicles to increase awarness and empower women-especially minorities-to become more proactive about maintaining their health. -Tracey Brown

Wayne Frederick, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Title: Chief of General Surgery, Deputy Director, and Howard University Cancer Center Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Howard University
Specialty: Surgery
Frederick’s interest is the molecular biology of liver metastasis in colorectal cancer. He’s also investigating the disparities seen in the outcome of premenopausal breast cancer in African American women. Frederick serves on the board of directors for the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America.

Terrence M. Fullum, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Title: Associate Professor of Surgery, Howard University; Chief of Minimally
Invasive Surgery and Medical Director, Center for Wellness and Weight Loss Surgery,
Howard University Hospital
Specialty: Surgery
Fullum often performs surgery that is video-conferenced remotely so that surgeons may learn from his techniques. He is the creator of programs aimed at bringing awareness to the benefits of minimally invasive and bariatric surgery,
