Smart Business Advice From 7 Savvy Black Enterprise Women Entrepreneurs – Page 5 – Black Enterprise

Smart Business Advice From 7 Savvy Black Enterprise Women Entrepreneurs

(Image: File)
(Image: File)

Tricia Clarke Stone

On leaving an impact: “Anytime I get into a situation, personally or professionally, I always think of how I can impact it. I always put myself in positions where I can be that impact player. That’s why I never had jobs where I’m just a cog in the wheel… I want to be in a place where my output means something.

“And value proposition. Anything I do I always look back and ask, ‘Am I adding value?’ Return on Investment, I think a lot of people just equate that to revenue, but for me it could be an amazing idea, an amazing concept. So if you’re adding value and if you’re delivering ROI for any company or individual, you’re going to win.”
