ABFF Meet Ups for Film Industry Professionals Planned Nationwide

(Image: Thinkstock)

Building on the goal of connecting African Americans in the film and TV community, The American Black Film Festival (ABFF) has planned Meet Ups nationwide, designed to provide networking opportunities across the country. “The Meet Ups are important because they give the festival programmers and staff the opportunity to meet face to face with our supporters and talk about the programs and events planned at the festival,” says Ghana Odet Wilson, ABFF’s director of special projects and events. “It also gives people—filmmakers and film enthusiasts who are not familiar with the ABFF—a chance to learn about the festival from the people who program and produce it.”

[Related: ABFF Hosts ‘Being Mary Jane’ Meet Up & Watch Party]

The Meet Ups are only one promotional opportunity for potential attendees to learn more about ABFF and receive discounts. A 10% discount is being offered to those that register over the President’s Day weekend.

On Tuesday, Feb. 17, a Meet Up is planned in Chicago where those interested in registering for the festival can receive information, goodies, and opportunities privy only to Meet Up attendees. With 2015’s festival taking place this year in New York City June 11-14, at the Hilton Midtown, ABFF works to brand itself as the Super Bowl of film events.

“Our festival was created as a destination event and people travel to wherever the festival is held – Acapulco, Miami, LA and now New York – from across the United States and internationally,” says Wilson. “It’s important to have events in the cities where our constituents are so we can meet and talk about the event in their hometowns.”

Upcoming Meet Ups are planned for Washington, D.C., Charlotte, Los Angeles, and Atlanta during Black Enterprise’s Entrepreneur’s Summit. All help make the largest gathering for film and TV enthusiasts a success, promoted year round with Meet Ups at the root.

To get on the invite list for future networking events, join the ABFF page on Meetup.com.

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