A Strategic Alliance – Page 4 – Black Enterprise

A Strategic Alliance

Craig T. Williams, CEO and president of Pride Enterprises Inc. (right) and Iraq War veteran Richard Bennett (Photo by Rayon Richards)

For Pride Enterprises, the challenge ahead is diversifying its revenue streams. “Having the majority of our eggs in one basket feels risky. The potential for a government shutdown is real, which could disrupt our operation,” Williams concedes. As the economy recovers, he intends to re-establish clientele in areas outside the government–corporate clients, churches, and small businesses. Having completed projects with solar energy components, Pride Enterprises is exploring strategies to enter the solar market and may acquire an electrical contracting firm as part of that plan.

In the meantime, Williams will continue his mentorship role while maintaining the partnership with Bennett. “Clearly, what made Richard attractive to me was, he was a construction-oriented person. This is a guy who had the experience and interest in this industry, in addition to being a veteran. It wasn’t that I could just find any veteran walking down the street to pursue this with. This guy was tailor-made for me.”     
