A New Direction – Black Enterprise

A New Direction

Q: For two years now, I’ve been doing a lot of research on which direction I want to take my career. I have dozens of ideas that I am passionate about. The biggest obstacle is the fear of attempting one idea then failing and mourning from that mistake. Would you have any advice?
— A. Torres, Via the Internet

Having passion about which areas you want to pursue is great, but there must be purpose in the passion or you will have trouble finding your sense of direction.

To get a sense of what you’d really like to do next in your career, take note of each idea and ask yourself (1) Is this something I could do every day? (2) Am I good enough at it to make it a career? and (3) Am I willing to do whatever it takes to be successful? If you can answer these questions with conviction, then you may have found an area worth pursuing.

Of course, it means dealing with the fear of possible failure, but even that can be conquered. A lot of fear is self-imposed. If the scariest thing for you to do is get your ideas out of your head and onto paper, for example, then try writing down one idea per day. Then, go back and begin answering the above questions. Take your new journey one day at a time. Push forward even when it’s difficult and you’ll find what you’re really looking for.
