A Low-Key Farewell to 2015 – Black Enterprise
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A Low-Key Farewell to 2015

Aniesia Williams at pre-New Year's Eve 2015 dinner party
Julian Wiles, writer Aniesia Williams (center), and Eloyce Barbour, CEO of Still Going app at a pre-New Year's Eve dinner party catered by Chef J.R. Robinson
Aniesia Williams at pre-New Year's Eve 2015 dinner party
Writer Aniesia Williams (center) at a pre-New Year's Eve dinner party catered by Chef J.R. Robinson

Happy New Year! Can you believe 2016 is here already? How did you bid farewell to 2015 this past New Year’s Eve? Were you turned up at the club or hanging out with friends and family? Even though I had some traveling to do, I was sure to find time to spend with family and friends. It was low-key, but cherished nonetheless.

Some of my friends and colleagues also kept it low key for the end of 2015. Here’s how they chose to ring in the new year.

A Dinner Party
A dinner party for close friends or relatives is at the top of the low-key list for ringing in the New Year right. The secret to pulling off a stress-free, memorable event is to enlist the help of a professional! I know folk who hooked up with celebrity Chef J.R. Robinson, CEO of Kitchen Cray, who created a festive menu that allowed them to indulge in their favorite foods one last time before the ball dropped for 2016. Be sure to decide how many people you want to invite, your budget and your theme, if you pick one. I had the privilege of attending a pre-New Year’s Eve dinner helmed by Chef Robinson myself. Talk about good times and good food!

Celebrity Chef J.R. Robinson
Celebrity Chef J.R. Robinson (Photo: Aniesia Williams)
stuffed pasta w/ spinach and goat cheese
Stuffed pasta with spinach and goat cheese (Photo: Aniesia Williams)
blackened salmon w/ shredded brussel sprouts
Blackened salmon with shredded brussel sprouts (Photo: Aniesia Williams)

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