Former NYPD Cop Who Sodomized Haitian Immigrant Abner Louima Released From Prison Early – Black Enterprise

Former NYPD Cop Who Sodomized Haitian Immigrant Abner Louima Released From Prison Early

Justin Volpe
Former New York Police Officer Justin Volpe (R) before serving his prison term for sodomizing Abner Louima. (Photo: Bob Strong/AFP via Getty Images)

The former New York Police Department officer who sodomized Abner Louima in 1997 has been released early from prison after serving 24 years of a 30-year sentence.

Justin Volpe, who pleaded guilty while on trial, was transferred on May 13 from a federal facility in Minnesota, according to the New York Daily News. The News reported that he is now in the Residential Reentry Management Program, which places the formerly incarcerated into halfway houses or allows those still serving time to return home for the remainder of their sentence.

“For privacy, safety, and security reasons we do not discuss any individual inmate’s conditions of confinement, reasons for transfer, or specific release plans,” prison spokesperson Donald Murphy told the Daily News.

In 2021, while Volpe was serving time in a federal facility in Texas, he requested a compassionate release due to the COVID-19 pandemic, telling the judge he’d contracted the virus while incarcerated but received no medical attention. Volpe added mold was growing in the prison. Federal prosecutors, including Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Elizabeth Geddes opposed the move, writing in response that the crimes Volpe committed are among the most horrific in the district and forever changed Louima.

Louima, a Haitian-American immigrant, was arrested the night of August 9, 1997, after he and two other men were involved in a fight between two women at a Brooklyn nightclub. Volpe and other officers responded to the scene. Volpe said Louima attacked him, which he later admitted was a lie.

Louima was charged with several crimes, including resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and obstructing government administration. The officers beat him with police radios, nightsticks, and their fists while transporting Louima back to the 70th precinct.

After they arrived at the station, the officers strip-searched Louima and continued to beat him, culminating in Louima being sodomized and kicked in the testicles by Volpe, who later bragged of what he did to a sergeant.

Police later dropped Loumia off at Coney Island Hospital, saying his injuries were due to abnormal homosexual activities. A nurse at the hospital notified Louima’s family and the NYPD internal affairs unit. Louima suffered severe internal damage to his colon and bladder in the attack and required three major surgeries to repair the damage.

Louima’s injuries led to significant protests by Black Americans in Brooklyn, including at the 70th Precinct. Volpe was later charged with violating Louima’s civil rights, obstruction of justice, and making false statements. Volpe initially pleaded “not guilty” before pleading guilty.

In addition to being sentenced to 30 years without the possibility of parole, he was sentenced to pay more than $270,000 in restitution. Louima filed a civil suit against the city, which was settled for $8.75 million.

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