Substitute Teacher On Administrative Leave After Being Accused of Calling Student The N-Word – Black Enterprise
Education News

Substitute Teacher On Administrative Leave After Being Accused of Calling Student The N-Word

Student, Atlanta, Hollis, Academy
(Image: iStock)

Another teacher is under investigation after being accused of calling a student a racial slur.

WXYZ reports on May 12, a substitute teacher at Slauson Middle School in Ann Arbor, Michigan, allegedly called a 13-year-old student the N-word after he used the word with a classmate. According to the child’s mother, who goes by “Brittany,” the teacher used the actual word, not the abbreviated version. “The teacher came up to him, asked him to leave the classroom, and, on the way out of their class, she said, ‘Why are you using the N-word when you are an N-word?'”

The conversation continued in the hallway when another staff member called for her to stop. The following Monday, the concerned mother went to Ann Arbor Police to report a hate crime and was told they were investigating. But things took a turn for the student at school. A teaching assistant reportedly confronted the seventh grader to defend the substitute, saying the racial slur was never used and continued to use the word. Brittany says she was “shocked and hurt.” “We have lived in Ann Arbor and my son has gone to school here all his life. We’ve not experienced blatant racism,” Brittany said.

CBS News reports that Ann Arbor Public Schools Superintendent Jeanice Swift says the administrative team has communicated with parents concerned about this growing issue. Issuing a statement, Swift claims the district takes matters like this “very seriously.” “All of us are deeply disturbed by the content of the allegations,” said Swift. “We are committed to continuing a full and thorough investigation and are deeply committed to equity and inclusion for each and every student we serve.”

The teacher in question is a retired educator working as a sub. Now with the educator on administrative leave, Brittany feels there should be no support for the teacher. “Ann Arbor cannot support these people in their school system, period,” she told WXYZ. “If you do, you’re tolerating it. And if you say you don’t tolerate it, don’t tolerate it.”
