HBCU Grad Inspires Women To Reclaim the ‘Sexy’ in Self-Care – Black Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Lifestyle Women

HBCU Grad Inspires Women To Reclaim the ‘Sexy’ in Self-Care

(Image: Courtesy of Milton Lawerence)

Proud HBCU grad Kimberly Biggs Roberson is an entrepreneur who inspires, motivates, and encourages women to reclaim the “sexy” in self-care through self-appreciation events.

She is the founder of the S.I.S (Self Care Is Sexy) brand, offering “dope energy” products and services through celebration and creation. A motivational guru at heart, Roberson hosts women’s self-love/ appreciation brunches and dinner parties for sister-friends to glow together. She also designs spaces so women can operate in the best versions of themselves.

(Image: Courtesy of Milton Lawerence)

This upcoming December, Roberson would like to give away a S.I.S event to a tribe of sister-friends. She is inviting those interested to send a brief email on how they feel one of these events could benefit their group to info@sisselfcareissexy.com. There is also a chance to win S.I.S products by following and liking their social media pages.

(Image: Courtesy of Kimberly Biggs Roberson)

Tell us about yourself and your background.

I’m a mother of three and wife of one. I reside in Georgia but attended the best HBCU in the world, North Carolina A&T State University. I have a true passion for children with autism because I am an autism mom. I love learning, traveling, creating, wine tasting, and great food.

What was your transition into entrepreneurship like?

I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit given to me by my father. I’ll have to say my seriousness for my entrepreneurial journey started after seeing my father pass away. I remember one of our last conversations where he told me “Kim find your passion, I got you” and from that moment I’ve been on the journey to find my passion and leave my mark on this world by any means necessary.

What were the rewards and challenges of entrepreneurship?

The challenges have been self doubt and maintaining financially. The rewards have been seeing myself grow and pushing myself to see my vision touch as many souls as it can, the freedom I’ve gained to be apart of my children’s lives is time I’d never get back.

Tell us about your self-care brand.

My brand S.I.S was birthed one night while having a come to Jesus closet meeting and after having many conversations with my mother on how important self-care was. As a woman and mother wearing so many hats, I lost myself. There were times when I was simply just going through the motions.

S.I.S started off as a fitness brand but throughout the journey I realized that self-care was deeper than just workout clothes. It was mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. I’ve always tried to motivate and encourage so the rebirth of S.I.S became a motivational product and service brand all centered around positivity, affirmations, and just feeding the soul dope vibes.

(Image: Courtesy of Kimberly Biggs Roberson)

What is a self-love/appreciation event?

S.I.S Brunch or Dinner is a celebration bringing sister friends together over guided conversation, great food, and spirits; a chance to celebrate and pour into one another, to fill each other up with positive vibes, love, gratitude, affirmations and tools to manifest all your heart desires.

What does the planning process looks like?

The planning process starts with a consultation with the individual wanting to host. We go over what you’re looking for, what you’re wanting to gain during your celebration, food ideas, activity ideas, topics of discussion, and location.

(Image: Courtesy of Kimberly Biggs Roberson)

How do you balance motherhood and entrepreneurship? Do you have a team to assist you?

I balance motherhood and entrepreneurship with a lot of “it’s all good Kim moments.” Taking the good with the bad and understanding some days I’m not going to be everything to everyone and that’s okay. To know that I can rest, I just can’t quit. Man my team is my village.

God showed out when he gave me them.

How do you practice self-care?

Quiet time and writing in my journal are my main forms of self-care and a must everyday. I love yoga, reading, of course getting my hair done, understanding the need for girl time.

Self-care care hasn’t always been my main focus because I felt guilty for putting myself first for many years. However after I realized that self-love, self-care allowed me to be the best version of myself I made up in my mind I would never stop or feel guilty for putting myself as a top priority.

Why is self-care important to you?

I never want to go back to where I lost my self esteem and didn’t feel I was deserving. I’m deserving of being a healthy version of myself and the world is deserving of having a healthy version of me.

What keeps you motivated to uplift women on social media and at your curated these events?

Understanding that the purpose is bigger than me, when I’m feeling low I go harder in gratitude. I’ve always tried to be positive because gratitude is the best love letter you can write God.

What advice would you give to other women or aspiring entrepreneurs?

Do it, if it makes you feel good, if it inspires you, do it. Live with a heart to give and God will handle the rest.
