Cardi B Says a Court Appearance Cost Her a Multi-Million Dollar Call of Duty Deal – Black Enterprise
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Cardi B Says a Court Appearance Cost Her a Multi-Million Dollar Call of Duty Deal

Wiki Commons/Vimeo: Katie Krause Reel - 2019

Cardi B claims to have lost out on a major opportunity as a result of having to tend to her own call of duty.

The celebrity rapper took to Twitter to share with her followers a business deal she had prior to her recent court case, in which The New York Times reported that she pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors.

The Twitter post addressed a multi-million dollar deal the 29-year-old rapper claimed to have had with the Call of Duty video game franchise. According to AfroTech, the songwriter was uneasy about not being able to move forward on the deal.

“My stupid decisions from the past caused me to miss out on money now,” Cardi B wrote on Twitter.

“I had a multi-million dollar Call of Duty deal on the table that I couldn’t take because of court. Guys think twice about those quick decisions! Lesson learned,” she added.

Cardi B revealed that she missed the scheduled shoot with the franchise after a commenter suggested that the franchise should reevaluate their decision to work with the rapper.

“I couldn’t make it cause of court couple weeks ago …I wasn’t able to do the shoot on time,” Cardi B said via Twitter.

Twitter users chimed in to give their input on the matter, with some of the rapper’s fans requesting that the franchise renegotiate the deal.

“Nah I need @CallofDuty to renegotiate the deal.. imagine Cardi as a character that would be so 🔥,” one Twitter user wrote in response to Cardi B’s post.

While some users were against the possible collaboration, others took the TV personality’s post as a word of advice. One user tweeted, “Dear upcoming artists/creatives, Now that you guys are hearing it from a popular figure, i hope y’al[l] take this seriously.”

Cardi B recently appeared in court on September 15. She pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors, according to The New York Times.

Prosecutors reached a deal with Cardi B and the co-defendants, in which she agreed to 15 days of community service and a three-year order of protection for the victims. Her lawyer, Drew Findling, said this was the next best step for Cardi B so she can finally move forward and focus on what matters most.
