White Philadelphia Lieutenant Fired For Saying N-Word During Radio Call – Black Enterprise

White Philadelphia Lieutenant Fired For Saying N-Word During Radio Call


A police lieutenant in Philadelphia was relieved of his duties one month after allegedly using the N-word during a radio call.

Last Wednesday, Sgt. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Eric Gripp confirmed the Philadelphia Police Department’s termination of a veteran lieutenant who allegedly used the racial slur while on a recorded line with a police radio-room worker.

Gripp, a department spokesperson, declined to identify the officer at the time of his firing, but according to the PhillyVoice, the officer was identified as Lt. Anthony McFadden, a 32-year veteran who previously worked for the Special Victims Unit.

In an 18-second audio clip leaked in June, McFadden, a white man, spoke to a call taker during a routine patrol call to help locate a person or an address when the police commander could be heard saying, “F— [N-words].”

McFadden was placed on restricted duty during an investigation conducted by the Internal Affairs Unit, which refrained him from working in his long-term role in the Special Victims Unit. Following the investigation, McFadden was informed on July 5 that he would be terminated within 30 days of receiving the notice, the Philly Voice reports.

Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw denounced the language McFadden allegedly used, saying the department would not tolerate it.

“These acts not only undermine the integrity of the PPD with our communities but also victimize and traumatize our employees,” Outlaw said.

“It’s imperative that police officers be held to the highest standards in order to effectively carry out their duties, and those who engage in this behavior will be held accountable.”

The incident highlights the lack of trust police receive in a city whose population is 43.6% Black and at a time when crime rates continue to rise. Last week, Philadelphia surpassed 300 homicides in 2022, putting the city on track to surpass the 562 homicides from last year, which was the most recorded.
