Black-Owned Platform Celebrates 7 Years Teaching Minorities Investing – Black Enterprise

Black-Owned Platform Celebrates 7 Years Teaching Minorities Investing


Meet Ernest Curry and Latoya Smith, the founders of The Profit Room, an online learning platform that teaches people of color how to invest in stocks, cryptocurrency, foreign exchange and futures. Launched in 2016, they are now celebrating seven years of financially empowering and coaching their clients.

The Profit Room does more than just talk about trading. It is an international community of traders who collaborate and support each other in their goals using easy-to-understand language and examples. Even more, there is a focus on teaching Black Americans how to invest and trade to help close the wealth gap.

In fact, as two professional traders who have active portfolios themselves and specialize in technical analysis with a systematic approach to trading any market, they are quite the team. Ernest brings the knowledge and experience acquired from his hedge fund manager mentor to the table. Meanwhile, Latoya’s brings to the table her background in investment banking at a top global bank. Ernest and Latoya work together to create, teach and support all courses, resources, and community at The Profit Room. The mission and ultimate goal is to help people from all socioeconomic backgrounds learn how to trade and invest to be successful in all financial markets. It does not matter how young or old you are. It is never too early or late to learn how to master investing.

Clients of The Profit Room are taught how to both understand and invest in stocks, cryptocurrency and futures independent of market fads, news and trends. Members of the community have opportunities to mentor and be mentored.

Latoya comments, “When I was able to replace my income trading, I partnered with Ernest to launch The Profit Room and it has been great working with savvy individuals from all over the world. Our global impact is incredible and I am happy to be a part of this movement.”

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