Black Twitter Squares Off Against Laila Ali After She Defends Anti-Vaxxers – Black Enterprise

Black Twitter Squares Off Against Laila Ali After She Defends Anti-Vaxxers

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Laila Ali, Host of "Home Made Simple" (Photo courtesy of OWN)

Laila Ali got TKO’d by Black Twitter who tore into the undefeated heavyweight boxer after she inserted her opinion defending anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.

Ali, the daughter of Muhammad Ali, was hit with some major backlash after she posted a now-deleted Instagram story on Wednesday saying that the unvaccinated “trust their own immune system like they have been doing their whole lives.” She stated that anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers are exercising a “God-given choice.”

“Before you claim they are ‘putting others in danger,’ you should do your own research to learn if that’s actually true,” she asserted.

She ended her post saying, “YOU DO YOU!”

However, that didn’t go over well for people in the Twitterverse who reminded the boxing champ about the global pandemic that has claimed the lives of millions of people.

Although people certainly have free-choice, many reminded the author and TV personality that aligning religious choice with scientific fact is not a good mash-up given the current state of affairs with hospitals critically on the brink and overloaded with sick COVID-19 patients.

Said once critic:

“Laila Ali out here wildin with anti-mask, anti-vaxx, anti-science and conspiracy religious rhetoric. Sheesh 😒”

Another reminded Ali that she was going against the train of thought of her famous father who was a vaccine advocate.

Celebrity blogger Luvvie Ajayi took Ali to task, saying:

Another user said she was disappointed in Ali’s stance, especially given that people of color are the most affected by the coronavirus outbreak.


Well it looks like Ali got caught with a left hook and went down for the count while learning a valuable lesson.
