Say Goodbye To Procrastination With This 12-Course Bundle – Black Enterprise

Say Goodbye To Procrastination With This 12-Course Bundle

(Image via Ketut Subiyanto from

Staying productive is one of the major keys to success, but it can be pretty hard to keep up with all your responsibilities at times. In fact, there are a lot of distractions to keep you from being productive, especially now when we’re still trying to get back to our regular, pre-lockdown schedules. But nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment after a productive day, and it’s a feeling worth chasing.

So, if you’ve been having trouble staying focused and completing your daily tasks, you can discover new ways to stay on top of your game with the 2021 Productivity Master Class Bundle. With 289 lessons in 12 courses, this life-hack guide will show you ways to beat procrastination, build new habits, improve your reading speed, take up meditation and build a more productive life. The best part? It’s on sale now for just $39.99.

There are no complicated tricks to staying productive — adopting simple self-training principles can help you go a long way. This bundle includes a four-step framework that you can implement immediately to work smarter and meet your goals. Other courses in the Master Class cover topics like overcoming self-sabotage, upgrading your thinking and beliefs, learning the art of influencing people and finding your life’s purpose. These are practical guides, so you can expect to go beyond the regular self-help tips we’ve all heard before.

Each lesson in the bundle is taught by Insider School founder, Brandon Hakim, and with his 4.4/5-star instructor rating, you can look forward to reaching the peak of your productivity game by the time you complete your lessons.

For a limited time, you can get The 2021 Productivity Master Class Bundle for $39.99, or less than $4 for each course.

Prices subject to change.
