The Tampax ‘Flow It Forward’ Scholarship Helps Black, Female HBCU Students Become Doctors – Black Enterprise

The Tampax ‘Flow It Forward’ Scholarship Helps Black, Female HBCU Students Become Doctors

Doctor conducts medical consultation with senior adult patient at clinic.
(Image: iStock/fstop123)

Through the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) and its 37 partnering historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), Tampax is helping Black women to pursue healthcare careers.

Procter & Gamble’s leading tampon brand is providing $200,000 annually to students who attend participating HBCUs through the Flow It Forward Scholarship program, according to a press release. Tampax is positively impacting tomorrow’s Black women physicians and healthcare workers, by teaming up with UNCF and its 37 partnering HBCU schools to offer the scholarships.


“The last year has been unlike any other, and unprecedented events like a global pandemic and racial unrest have not only elevated awareness of the racial disparities that exist in healthcare, but they have also made pursuing degrees even more difficult for Black women,”  Dr. Michael L. Lomax, UNCF’s President and CEO said in a press release. “The Flow It Forward scholarship combines Tampax and UNCF’s shared commitment to investing in education, thus making a step to reducing racial disparities and increase Black representation among healthcare professionals. We agree that ‘A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but a wonderful thing to invest in,’ and we are happy to partner with Tampax on this four-year scholarship program.”

As stated in the press release, Black women account for less than 3% of doctors in America. One Twitter user is chronicling her journey as a Black woman who is moving up the ranks in the medical field. We need to see more stories like @BEINGDRBERNICE’S.



In keeping with this idea, Camille Zahniser—the senior brand director of North America Tampax—said that time will be needed to increase the number of African Americans in the medical field. As stated on Tampax’s website, championing change-makers is another way the company is helping make change happen.

“Supporting and trusting UNCF’s incredible experience and expertise in funding education at HBCUs will help further our mission to positively shift the healthcare industry to one of equal representation,” Zahniser also said.

Lynae Vanee—who said that she is partnering with Tampax—is helping to spread the scholarship information on Facebook.



“Black Doctors are so important!!! Especially when data shows that Black people, especially Black women, are often mistreated, misrepresented, and ignored by healthcare providers… we need to ensure there is enough adequate representation to significantly reduce/eliminate that norm. And we start by making sure the girls who dream to enter the medical field can afford to do so,”  Vanee said.

Visit this link for additional scholarship details.


