Black Woman Entrepreneur Buys Farm in Rwanda: ‘I Want Everything My Ancestors Were Denied’ – Black Enterprise

Black Woman Entrepreneur Buys Farm in Rwanda: ‘I Want Everything My Ancestors Were Denied’

Jai Essence
(Image Credit: Instagram/jaiessencejourney)

Jai Essence left the United States and purchased a farm in Rwanda. She was frustrated with the paycheck to paycheck cycle and wanted to find a path to financial freedom and impact.

“My love for life and hope was dying, and I couldn’t see a way out. I left America and found those things again,” Essence told Travel Noire. “I was hearing that Rwanda has a visa for people who are retired, people were buying businesses, purchasing land, and even how safe it is. It’s one of the safest countries in the world. With all the growth and development, I kept thinking about how this is what I want my life to be.”

From Broke in the U.S. To Purchasing A Farm in Rwanda

Essence was playing all the rules to the success game but was still struggling to make ends meet. She graduated from college and secured a good-paying job. Even with a resume of accomplishments under her belt, Essence was still trapped in a cycle of financial frustrations. That’s when she knew it was time to move abroad so that she could use her money more efficiently.

She landed a job in Dubai which allowed her to pay off her debt. Then, she landed a job in Rwanda and crossed another goal off her list: Buying a farm. She tells Travel Noire that it would have been much harder to make these purchases in the U.S. — even with seven side hustles. Essence was tired of the narrative that focused on doing 10x more to barely get by. Now, she’s making investments in Rwanda that can help her fund her retirement goals.

“I want everything my ancestors were denied…everything,” Essence posted on Instagram. “I start with land ownership.”

Owning a Farm in Rwanda and Launching a Business

In October 2020, she launched her business, Jai Essence Designs. On her website, Essence sells eye-catching clothing, accessories, and bags. She even has themed merchandise, including the “Queen Tings” and “Desert Diva” collection. This includes Desert Diva Digital Art Pillows and beautifully adorned Desert Diva Laptop Sleeves.

“I am so happy to announce this launch based on the inspiration of my artwork and creative mind,” Essence posted on Instagram. “This is a blessing I am so excited to share.”

Jai Essence Designs was born out of Essence’s desire to make her apartment in Dubai more vibrant. She searched in many stores and couldn’t find anything that matched her creativity needs. That’s when she decided to create her first painting and transform her beautifully blended work into products.
