Ben Carson Says Calling for Racial Equity Is ‘Another Kind of Racism’ – Black Enterprise

Ben Carson Says Calling for Racial Equity Is ‘Another Kind of Racism’

Ben Carson said that treating groups of people differently based solely on race is another kind of racism. Credit- Facebook

Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson, recently wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post, while exploring his view that “moving our focus from equality to equity won’t defeat racism.” Carson stated that it is another kind of racism. In his piece, Carson remarked that ‘proponents of equity see no problem with treating groups of people differently based solely on race, as long as it serves their agenda.’

“This is what we used to call racism, and those not blinded by identity politics still recognize it as such,” Carson added.

He also discussed his thoughts about the op-ed on Fox News.

“Do we need some reforms? Absolutely. There are things that can be done, and we can do those much better if we work together rather than trying to demonize the system based on occurrences that are quite infrequent. And there are things that the police could use, for instance, that are non-lethal, that are very effective in immobilizing people. We need to move forward on those kinds of things,” Carson said on the show.

Carson added that paying less attention to external characteristics is needed.

In another Fox interview, Carson commented that he was not saying there is not a racial problem. However, it has gotten better in his lifetime, and we have to keep working on it. He remarked that racism has existed and does exist,  but it does not have to be a central focus of everything that we do.

Carson is also the founder of the American Cornerstone Institute (ACI). On its website, it partially explains that it “is dedicated to promoting and preserving individual and religious liberty, helping our country’s most vulnerable find new hope, and developing methods to decrease the federal government’s role in society and to improve efficiency to best serve ALL our nation’s citizens.”

