Howard University Marching Band To Escort Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris at Inauguration – Black Enterprise
Education Politics

Howard University Marching Band To Escort Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris at Inauguration

Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris is a Howard University alumna who will occupy the White House on Jan. 20. In celebration of the joyous occasion, Howard University announced that the Showtime Marching Band will escort Harris at the 59th presidential inauguration.

“It is our esteemed honor to be involved in the historic inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris,” said Howard University President Wayne A. I. Frederick in a written statement.

“Throughout her career, the vice president-elect has carried her Howard education with her, ensuring that she adhere to truth and service and inspiring her to achieve unprecedented levels of excellence. It is perfectly fitting that the Showtime Marching Band, the ensemble that captures and reverberates the heartbeat of our institution, should accompany her on this last leg of her journey to the White House. It was that steady pulse of her Alma Mater’s legacy that propelled her forward, and it is that same rhythm that will carry her onward as she undoubtedly will become one of the most influential vice presidents in the history of our nation.”

The Showtime Band will have the drumline, the Flashy Flag Squad and Ooh La La dancers participating in the inauguration parade.

“We are proud to unite safely as a band to represent Howard University, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, and all HBCUs across the country,” said Kelvin Washington, Howard University band director. “It’s a very gracious opportunity for us, and we’re very thankful for it.”

Washington had also stated that he has participated in two inauguration parades prior. “I had the pleasure to perform as a student at Southern University in 1980 for former President Ronald Reagan’s inauguration, then as associate director of the Howard University Band for former President Barack Obama and now this one would be my third,” said Washington.
