Dallas Restaurant Owner Says Business Is Booming After Viral Video – Black Enterprise

Dallas Restaurant Owner Says Business Is Booming After Viral Video

Kevin Kelley
Screenshot via @@DJGreenVillain /Twitter

Previously, BLACK ENTERPRISE reported how Dallas restaurant TRUE Kitchen + Kocktails became the center of a social media controversy after owner Kevin Kelley was seen on video berating female guests about twerking on tables during brunch. Now, a new report from the owner says that the business has seen a huge surge since going viral.

According to TMZ, Kelley says that the reservation-only establishment, which opened five months ago during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, has been fully booked since the incident and has received support from numerous people of the local Dallas community including Dallas Cowboy wide receiver and native Texan, Dez Bryant.

In the video, Kelley can be heard telling patrons that they had to abide by the restaurant policy or be forced to leave. “I want ’em to show respect for themselves for how they carry themselves here, so how can I tell the men to respect themselves and you guys are twerking glass here,” he says. “If you want to do it, fu** out of my restaurant.”

Despite some of the initial backlash, Kelley says that he stands by his rule of no twerking in the establishment to maintain a certain ambiance and aesthetic for his brand, he is also happy that the effect of the public scandal turned out into a positive boost for his restaurant.

“I’m glad the public has had a chance to decide what they do and don’t want in their restaurants. The effect on our restaurant has been overwhelmingly positive,” Kelley said to the gossip website. “We’ve received an outporing of support that we did not anticipate online and in person. This lets us know the public believes in our vision for the restaurant and they will support a concept working to fill a void in our communities.”

