President Trump Calls Kamala Harris ‘A Monster’ After VP Debate – Black Enterprise

President Trump Calls Kamala Harris ‘A Monster’ After VP Debate

Kamal Harris and Donald Trump
(Image: File)

Following her debate performance against Mike Pence, President Trump twice called Senator and Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris “a monster.”

“This monster that was onstage with Mike Pence, who destroyed her last night, by the way. This monster, she says, ‘no no, there won’t be fracking,’ there won’t be this. Everything she said is a lie,” Trump said during a phone interview on Fox Business.

Trump’s attack came less than a day after the vice presidential debate Wednesday night. Many felt Harris, the first Black and South Asian woman to be the vice-presidential nominee of a major political party, did well, highlighting the president’s coronavirus response and its effect on the economy.

In the past, Trump has called Harris “very nasty” and said she was “disrespectful” toward Joe Biden during the Democratic primaries.

Throughout Trump’s four years as president, he has made disparaging statements about other strong women in government, especially minorities. Trump has made disrespectful comments about Hillary Clinton, four minority congresswomen known as The Squad, voting rights advocate Stacey Abrams, and others.

Trump has had a bad stretch leading up to the election. In just the past two weeks Trump subjected Americans to a wild first presidential debate, caught the coronavirus amid a White House outbreak, refused to attend the second debate, which was moved to a virtual format because he contracted the virus, and put a stop to negotiations on a second relief package until after the election, hurting Republicans nationwide.

Making things worse for Trump, Harlan Hill, president of the D.C.-based Logan Circle Group and a Trump ally, tweeted disparaging remarks about Harris during the debate Wednesday night.

Several companies have since backed away from Hill after other Twitter users noted that Hill’s website listed their logos under the banner “Trusted by the best,” giving the impression they were clients. Fox News, which has had Hill on as a guest on multiple occasions said that will no longer be the case according to a network spokesperson that told The Hill it has “no intention of booking him as a guest on any of our platforms.”

