CNN’s Van Jones: Reopening Businesses During Coronavirus ‘A Death Sentence for Communities of Color’ – Black Enterprise
COVID-19 Lifestyle News

CNN’s Van Jones: Reopening Businesses During Coronavirus ‘A Death Sentence for Communities of Color’

Van Jones
(Image: Facebook)

With all the talk of lessening some of the restrictions placed around the United States with the spread of the novel coronavirus still going on, CNN’s political commentator Van Jones doesn’t agree with states opening so quickly. He feels this is virtually “a death sentence for communities of color.”

While some states are still suffering from high numbers of coronavirus cases and related deaths, particularly in black communities, some governors are easing imposed restrictions that were put in place to stop, or at the very least, slow down the spread of the deadly virus. 

After Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s announced he will allow some businesses in the state to reopen as early as Friday, Jones spoke of the need to stay the course, specifically because black people are the most affected by the coronavirus.

“I think it’s incredibly reckless. And, you know, signing these orders is signing a death certificate for many, many, many people who do not need to die and who will,” Jones said on CNN’s Daily DC podcast. “I mean, it’s just the bottom line. You’re talking about states where they haven’t even flattened the curve.”

“It’s a death sentence for communities of color that are on the front lines of this thing already and have the least ability to deal with it.”

Black Americans are more likely to suffer from chronic underlying health conditions. With this particular virus, it can detrimentally impact how their bodies handle an additional illness. Add in the factor of having less access to health care in these communities and it makes the issue even worse.

As more states plan to start reopening their economies based on new guidance from President Donald Trump, Jones said “we need to be rushing masks, rushing tests, rushing respirators and ventilators to communities of color, because that’s where the pain is.”

“This is playing the data card,” he continued. “The data shows that you know, these are the front line communities in this fight. From the grocery stores to the hospitals, people who live in communities of color need help.”
