Mark Cuban Optimistic NBA Season Will Be Back ‘By the Middle of May’ – Black Enterprise

Mark Cuban Optimistic NBA Season Will Be Back ‘By the Middle of May’

Mark Cuban
(Image: File)

The plight of the spreading of the coronavirus has affected our lives like we could never imagine. But Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is predicting things will return to some normalcy, especially with the NBA season, according to Yahoo.

The National Basketball Association was the first professional sports league to suspend its season due to Utah Jazz player Rudy Gobert getting a positive diagnosis of COVID-19.

“Hopefully by the middle of May, we’re starting to get back to normal and the NBA is playing games,” Cuban told WFAA in a recent interview. “Maybe not with fans, but we’re playing it because sports plays such an important role. You know, people want something to cheer for, people want something to rally around, people want something to be excited about.”

Shark Tank star Cuban was one of the first NBA owners to promise to continue paying employees’ salaries while the season is suspended. He also feels that the country needs a distraction that will help get life back to what it was like before the dreaded virus took over our lives. “I mean, sports is what we need right now and … I think the NBA is ready to play that role,” Cuban said.

“I mean you know no one has perfect information right now, and so all decisions are tough. But, you know, if I had to guess based off the people I’ve talked to at the CDC and other places—I would say that the over-under would be June 1, and I’m taking the under.”

He is also confident that the experts on the virus will provide us with the information needed for us to get past this frightening chapter in our lives.

“Really, one thing we’ve got to get to a point where our scientists have come up with, not a cure, but a therapy that we know minimizes the impact of the virus,” Cuban said, “so that if we get this into a person quickly enough that they are not going to die and hopefully they won’t be scarred or damaged for life.

“Once we do that, then we have a path out. And I think we’re not there yet, but we’re getting closer and closer. Once we have a medical light at the end of the tunnel, where we know what the worst case is, then we can start venturing outside and being in groups of 10 instead of being by ourselves, right, and then groups of 25 and then 50 and go from there. So I think that that’s the first step. And I think that’s gonna happen a little bit faster than we originally expected.”
