Get Noticed With These Facebook Content Distribution Tips – Black Enterprise

Get Noticed With These Facebook Content Distribution Tips

content distribution

Facebook and Facebook ads are by and large one of the best marketing mediums available. They have been for a long time because they provide a pretty substantial return on investment. The Facebook platform is set up to be user-friendly, but there are so many options it can be easy to miss some of the ones that are most effective. When you create content, you want to get it out to the audience, and you want to use it to grow your audience. The only way to do this is to distribute and promote your content. The Facebook platform is one of the best ways to do this. It offers billions of active daily users who are available to view your content, and that is a lot of potential. So what is the best way to accomplish this? There are some secret hacks to successfully distributing your content with Facebook and Facebook ads. For guidance on calculating your content’s marketing ROI head over to a recent BLACK ENTERPRISE article here.

The following tips will help you get noticed and expand your digital footprint.

Make Sure Your Content Is Relevant

You need to ensure your content is relevant and valuable to the audience. Answer commonly asked questions or solve a problem for the reader. Remember, your content also needs to be engaging. People tend to concentrate on posting consistently and forget to ensure their content is engaging. If your content is video, try to keep it less than ninety seconds long. Make it straightforward and include a call-to-action so your audience knows what you want them to do next. As you post consistently, you will start to get an idea of which content works best.

Evaluate The Metrics

Metrics are vital because they give you direction for your future content. Facebook provides massive amounts of data you can use on and off the platform. Analyze all this content and break everything down by posts to see what is performing best. If you used video, keep an eye on the watch time. Your goal should be a watch time of ten seconds or longer. You’ll be able to view the Likes, the Shares, and so much more. Break everything down into easily digestible chunks, and see what type of content is performing best. See whether or not it has images or infographics. Take the time to study everything about your top performing content so you can create similar content for future posts.

Boost Performing Content Accordingly

You’ll want to amplify the best performing content on Facebook. The first couple of steps is aimed more at organic traffic which is necessary for your success. When you know which content performs well, you have a clear understanding of what works and what doesn’t. It is also important to note that Facebook prompts you to boost under-performing posts. You should ignore this advice and promote the best-performing content that is in line with your strategy’s goals.

You also want to boost posts through the Ads Manager, and not the big blue boost post button. This method allows you to select specific audiences, split-test criteria, and have better control over your parameters. Facebook will let you choose your goal based on awareness, consideration, or conversion. Pick the one best suited to your content strategy. Now select your audience, placement, and budget in the ad creation steps. Don’t forget to review how your content will appear in mobile and desktop news feeds before you boost and adjust accordingly. You can promote your content for as little as one dollar per day.

Simply put, Facebook is one of the most effective marketing platforms created, aside from Google search. So it makes sense to use Facebook as one of your primary marketing channels. However, there are some secrets to a successful Facebook marketing campaign. Using the information provided here today, you should easily be able to get ahead of your competition and get noticed quickly (all while expanding your digital footprint).
